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Hainan Cuisine

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Aged Salt Lemonade

Perfect to be served chilled and enjoyed with nice company on a summer evening, the‘Aged Salt Lemonade’ is a rising start amongst Haikou's most popular drinks.
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Lingshui Sour Noodles

Delicious and with history to reveal, the noodles have been part of many a celebration in Hainan.
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Hou’an Rice Noodles

As a soup, Hou’an Rice Noodles is the perfect appetiser to get your day off to a great start.
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Hainan Yellow Ox Meat

An iconic symbol of Hainan's rural life, the ox is an ingredient in gastronomy.
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The Coconut Rice

Originally a farm snack, Coconut Rice has become a trendy dish amongst Hainanese and visitors alike.
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Zao Po Cu

If you go for a stroll through Puqian town's streets and alleys in Haikou, you'll always be able to sense Zao Po Cu soup.
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Baoluo Rice Noodles

If breakfast is the most important meal of the day for you, you can consider yourself a true Hainanese by trying out Baoluo Rice Noodles.
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Shishan Lamb

It is one of the most traditional and delicious local dishes, providing a less fatty and more textured experience of enjoying lamb.
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Roast Suckling Pig

Perfect for picking up at a street stall, it is a popular delicacy in Hainan island’s Lingao County.
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Hainan Cuisine

Haikou is a destination famous for its tasty and varied cuisine, the result of a unique fusion of Hainanese traditions and cultures.
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Boiled Chicken

Popular among different Southeast Asian countries, Wengchang Boiled Chicken is one of Hainan’s most famous dishes.